Saturday, 16 February 2013

New sheepskin coat

My mum has always told me that there's nothing warmer than sheepskin. Taking this with a pinch of salt, I bought my first sheepskin coat and I can't deny.. I haven't taken it off since. I had been lusting after an Acne version ever since spotting it in Copenhagen, but sadly as necessities like food, water and rent come before desirable Acne jackets, I settled for a £20 one found in a charity shop. Take a look...

It is the most cosy, comfortable and useful pieces of clothing I have ever owned, plus I think it looks pretty cool too. Luckily the one I found is in a classic cut and colour, it goes with everything from jeans to dresses making it extremely versatile. Sheepskin in shops can be very expensive, so take a look in charity shops and flea markets, they come up a lot cheaper, also remember to look in the mens section too...



  1. I've got one too, only it's more of a bomber and an orangier brown, although you're completely right they are so warm and cosy. What a bargain for £20, charity shops are great!

    The January Girl ♥

    1. Yours sounds really cool - It's just the warmest thing I've ever warn, so lovely x

  2. That looks so lovely on you! xx

  3. love love your jacket! you are adorable! love these pictures!

  4. that's what my gran said, so she gave me some of my grandad's sheepskin gloves. I wear them all the time. Good buy

    1. Sheepskin gloves are my next winter must, although it's looking pretty spring like in the U.K now!

  5. Omg this coat looks so comfy! I love soft coats that still look amazing!

    I just stumbled over your blog and I'm so glad I did! I keep scrolling through your posts! I adore your title image! I thinks it's pretty great! :D Can't wait to read more from you!

    Your Newest Follower,

  6. Great coat! This looks so cozy!
    xo TJ

  7. Thats a great coat, at steal at £20, must be like wearing Uggs all over!
