I wish I could take the credit for my little hideout, but it was completely the brain child of my mother. In no time at all she renovated B&Q's best, into a girly, relaxing retreat, filled with clever uses of vintage finds. It has been perfect for summer nights with a group of my best friends, too rainy days spent editing photos... I hope you enjoy.
These are vintage chairs we've had around the garden for a while, they're pretty rusty, but I love the aesthetic it gives to the shed. The little table was a little cabinet found in a charity shop, with an old trey simply placed on top coated with some basic white paint - This makes a great little storage unit for bits of magazines I cut up and things that I'm working on, also super for resting my candles and joss sticks on.
We found this mirror in a charity shop in a local town, it cost under £10 which is an absolute steal, as we've seen them being sold in interiors stores for £40 and more. I absolutely love it, so feminine and glamorous, but also adds light to the shed. The fairy lights are solar, so they only come on at night, they make the shed super cosy, I shall try and get a night time snap! .. and as for they lovely Gentleman on the wall, that's my late Grandfather Janik - Isn't he a treat?!
Just some shed essentials - A radio, some cute paper plates (no one likes washing up)...
... a cwtchy blanket and some pretty vintage tins to keep small bits of clutter in.
As well as the two vintage chairs, my mum created these little cushiony lounge spots (with me giving you a demonstration) with poofs. My brother found this Lacoste one for his flat in TK Maxx, it had been lurking round our house for ages, but it fits perfectly in the shed. My mum has also added bulldog clips to the walls, simple and effective. I can change the pictures or bits I want to hang up whenever - currently I have a birthday card I bought for my dad (it's that famous pic of Picasso swearing) and some fresh lavender. The antlers were bought in an amazing junk shop in Paris called Objet qui Parle.

This white kitchen chair is one of my mums household rejects that's made its way to my shed - I bet your thinking how the hell are fitting all this in a tiny shed, but it is surprisingly roomy and with the furniture and walls painted the same colour, it gives the illusion of a bigger space as everything blends together, which works really well. I found the book "My Cool Shed" when scouring interior blogs the other week, I bought it for my mums birthday of Amazon for about £8, it's a great little read if your looking for some "Shedspiration".
On that note, I hope you enjoyed an introduction to my little hideout. If you have any questions about anything else I've photographed, feel free to leave me a message, would love to hear from you xxx